电源供应:140mA nominal at 4.6 to 5.5 V
扫描速率: 270 scans/s
扫描精度::down to 0.05 mM
(2mil) on Code 39
扫描景深:2.3 to 48.3 cm (0.9 to 19.0")
室外温度: -30 to 60o C (-22 to 140o F)
存储温度: -40 to 60o C (-40 to 140o F)
湿度:5% to 95% (non-condensing)
抗震性能:Shock: 2000G / Vibration: 50G r.m.s.
防尘和防水性能:Sealed against windblown rain and dust
冲击性能: 26 six foot drops to concrete